What the blog tour reviewers had to say

There have been reviews on radio, magazines and online, and I’m proud to say that there is an embarrassing but warming number of four and five star reactions! My thanks to those who took the time and trouble to read and leave comments. I’ve presented some headlines and links to a few of the reviews below, alongside some of the images sent in by readers!

To but a copy of Homeward Bound (paperback or e-book) click here, and paperbacks can be bought from Waterstones, http://bit.ly/3auzxGG and your local bookshops. You can find short extracts and other random things on my blog pages.

“Graced with a classy and clever cover, the book is equally clever, beautifully written and utterly enthralling.”

Books are cool

“This is so well written that I have devoured this book in just one sitting and it has been a lovely book to escape with. This has definitely helped me switch off from the harsh reality of the current times.”

Little Miss Book Lover

“I enjoyed this book for its writing, its themes and much more. I recommend this book as an excellent read concerning family, music and memory, and it should have a wide appeal. “

Northern Reader

“I found this book emotional and endearing. It is a heart-warming story of the power of music and family bonds.”

Chez Maximka

“Smith has written a tender, emotional and poignant story. It’s a story driven by a love of music. I think it’s one that readers will relate to.”

Cheryl M-M’s Book Blog

“The relationship between George and Tara is brilliant, it was lovely to read about the connection between two very different generations and how music tied them both together. Their bond is moving and you find yourself really rooting for them!”

Alice Hurst Literate Littles

“Simply and yet beautifully told, well observed, funny and oh so moving. That I found myself invested in all the characters in the way that I did, yes, even the ones I grew to despise, is a sure sign of an author with a promising future ahead of them. I’m already longing to know what’s next.”

Felicity Grace Terry Pen and Paper

“This is a truly lovely story about family, old age and never giving up on your dreams.”


“I know for absolute fact this will be one that sits in my mind, reminding me to not only strive to be better, but to chase my dreams. Check this out. It’s definitely one I’ll continue to think about.”

Radzy Writes, Read and Reviews

“There are lots of funny moments to make you laugh out loud but also heartbreaking moments too. A feel good but thought provoking read. Ideal for all ages.”

Karen Kingston KarenK is reading

“It’s not only a story about the ‘old generation vs the young generation’, but mainly about family. No matter what happens, family always sticks together. And that even if you like different genres, music can bring people together, no matter how different you are.”

Tizi’s Book Review

“If you’re looking for a chaotic family drama, this is one not to miss! Lovely book with some quirky elements that you would not normally get in family drama reads.”


“This is a delightful story of two people from two different eras but who both share a passion for music. There is a really strong message about never giving up on your dreams throughout the book which I think is a wonderful message to portray!”

Stacey Ware

Homeward Bound by Richard Smith is in bookshops, online and as an e-book.

Thanks to everyone who took a picture of my book in odd/unusual/special places. Sorry that I could only use a few here – all the pictures are on Facebook

What do you think?